Monday, April 30, 2018

5 ways to discover yourself

Self discovery is the process of acquiring insight into one's own
character, knowing who you are. Every individual has a special thing(talent) that is deposited in them,but you can only Unveil it if you know it.
The term "journey of self-discovery" refers to a travel,
pilgrimage, or series of events whereby a person
attempts to determine how they feel, personally, about
spiritual issues or priorities, rather than following the
opinions of family, friends, neighborhood or peer pressure.

Has your comfort zone become your prison?
Taking time to reflect on your life right now can
give you the answer. Knowing yourself is the
first step in bursting out of your prison. I know
there are many schools of thought on this. One
is to take baby steps, just put your toe over the
zone and see how it feels. If it doesn't feel good
then go back to yourself imposed prison

5 steps to self discovery
1. Ask and acknowledge your unique purpose -
Ask yourself what do you truly desire to be /
do / have? What do you feel compelled to do?
Acknowledge yourself for your uniqueness. This
will give you the courage to leap from your
comfort zone.
2. Have the courage to be totally honest - What
assumptions have you made about yourself and
others? Self-acceptance and facing issues
honestly give you the opportunity to uncover the
truth and live life with integrity. Living in integrity
will not allow you to short-change yourself by
staying with the status quo.
3. Find a Buddy - Ask someone you trust to
support you in your journey of self-discovery
and tell them how they can help. When people
understand how your personal growth benefits
them and the world (because you are showing
up authentically and on purpose), you will be
supported in bursting out of your comfort zone
to create the life of your dreams!
4. Embrace change - Dare to dream, take big
steps forward. You don't need to know
everything before you proceed; and yes, there's
no such thing as a mistake when you're bursting
out of prison. Whatever appears is there fforeve your
greater good; a learning opportunity.
5. Celebrate – Choose something daily to
celebrate. Rejoice in all that you are attracting
and creating.
Imagine yourself bursting out of your prison,
arms akimbo, jumping up and down, eyes wide
open and a BIG grin on your face! You did it, you
took the leap. Now look around and see yourself
into your new future; the future created by you,
just for you. Doesn't that feel good!

Commit Today to do whatever it takes to turn
yourself loose - throw away beliefs, attitudes and
expectations that get in the way of your ability
to create your best life NOW!

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